Thursday, October 3, 2024

Business/ Project Funding

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I actually got your email contact through my online exploitation for proficient business individuals and I decided to contact you directly about this business /project investment funding.

I am aware that spam emails and bogus internet business proposals have become much more sophisticated and created confusion in this modern business world. Please pay attention to understanding our goal and the genuineness of my proposal.

I am contacting you in goodwill about business/project investment funding that will be of mutual benefit to us. My principal is a potential investor with sufficient capital, who can earnestly fund any lawful lucrative business up to Five Hundred Million United States Dollars.

The eligible fund will be approved and disbursed to the trustee nominated active bank account upon feasibility studies of your business/project, capability and your acceptance of the funding terms and agreement.

However, the trustee/beneficiary must show proof that he is capable of handling and managing such a fund.

If you are interested in this transaction, I will appreciate your urgent reply. For further discussion, please contact me at my private email address (

David Gillard

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