Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Practical Workshop on Developing Effective Policies: Analysis, Evidence and Impact Strategies that Works

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Training Invitation Letter

To your respected attention

Kindly receive this workshop invitation and find attached herewith advanced course details access directions regarding the interactive practical paced training workshop on

Developing Effective Policies: Analysis, Evidence and Impact Summit

Using research evidence to develop, implement, Evaluate and monitor robust and strategic policies

Scheduled for

23rd – 27th April, 2018

Venue:  Premier Hotel, OR Tambo Airport, Johannesburg, South Africa

The most robust policies are underpinned and driven by strong and demonstrable evidence. This five-day workshop will help all those within governmental, public, private or NGO organizations who are responsible for the design, planning and implementation of policies improve their decision-making skills throughout the different stages of the policy process. 

Focused on problem-solving delegates' own real-life policy, programme or project challenges, each delegate will choose a real-life issue to work through over the week. They will journey from initial planning through to post implementation monitoring and evaluation. The different types and resources of evidence will be examined to assess their value and contribution and how they can best be combined with other factors that affect the policy making process. 

Areas covered include:

Systematic reviews; data from censuses and surveys; experimental evidence; economic appraisal methods; implementation evidence; qualitative methods and public consultations. This highly practical workshop also includes guidance on how to improve your communication of policy ideas to decision makers, including Ministers. 

Workshop Objectives

At the end of the workshop you will be able to:

·         Understand and implement the benefits of evidence-based policy-making

·         Use the best available evidence to improve your decision making about policies and their substance

·         Appraise the worth and quality of available evidence

·         Understand the various factors that can influence policy making

·         Commission and manage research, evaluation and analytical services

·         An understanding of the factors that influence policy and implementation processes and the difference between evidence and opinion 

·         An understanding of the reason for, and the method of constructing, a theory of change  

·         An understanding of how the use of evidence can improve the performance of leaders and departments as well as the implementation and impact of policies  

·         An opportunity to reflect on existing policy-making and management processes, their strengths and limitations  

·         An understanding of tools for evidence-based policy-making and implementation  

·         An understanding of the role of evidence in managing political and other influences on the policy and implementation process. 

Who Should Attend? 

·         Policy Officers / Managers  Policy Developers / Analysts 

·         Policy Advisors / Senior Policy Advisors 

·         Branch / Section / Division Managers 

·         Program Managers 

·         Research Officers 

·         Evaluation Specialists / Managers 

·         Stakeholder / Community Engagement 

·         Policy Consulting 

·         Service Delivery Managers / Directors 

How to access the program and Register

Please access the program and registration form from our website on 2018 workshop Calendars look under April and click on Developing Effective Policies: download link on the right section, to get more details on training content and participation budget requirements or contact us immediately for a copy of the full program and more information

you can also use the following secured link to directly access the calendar  

Thank you for receiving this invitation and we look forward to hearing from you and to a beneficial working relationship with your organization

Should you require further information from us regarding this invitation letter please do not hesitate to contact us.

Looking forward to welcoming you in Johannesburg.


Respectfully yours,

Delphine Mars

Training Events Cordinator